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Open-frame Platine GMH 07 ( EUROPAKARTE )
( 55 - 85 VDC 7.0 - 12.0 Amp )


► Stepping motor drives series with Step & Direction interface and realized with SMD technology in single EUROCARD format card (100×160 mm).
► System backward-compatible with the previous series (with PTH technology) equipped with a 32 pole, DIN 41612 form D connector. Drives designed to be assembled inside a RACK complete with motherboard.
► Target: multi-axes applications requiring backward-compatibility with the previous series.


► Mechanical, electric and applicative backward-compatibility with the previous series drives.
► Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction at low and medium speed.
► Standard input and output signals facilitate the interface with the most common control systems.
► Particular care dedicated to obtain top performance and low power losses for both the card and the motor, limiting the need for forced ventilation.

Technische Daten

► Version: open frame drive in 100 x 160 x 45 mm.
► Range of operating voltage: 55-85 VDC.
► Range of current: 7-12 Amp. Setting up to four possible values by means of dip-switches
► Microstepping: 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1600, 2000, 3200 or 4000 steps /revolution Setting by means of dip- switches.
► Automatic current reduction at motor standstill.
► Possibility to switch off motor current with an external logic signal.
► Protections:
-Protection against under-voltage and over-voltage.
-Protection against a short-circuit at motor outputs.
-Overheating protection.
► Operation with a single external power supply.
► Electronic resonance damping facility.
► Two separated and co-working electronic circuits to ensure acoustic noise and mechanical vibration reduction at low and medium speed.
► Warranty: 24 months.