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In a brand-new booth with a nearly doubled surface area, RTA is ready to share the many innovations of this SPS edition: our technical and sales staff is waiting for you in Hall 6 - Stand G022 to show you all the motion solutions "Made in RTA"

Here a few highlights of what we will feature:

  • MiniMax - the all-new EtherCAT PLC entirely designed and produced by RTA for a seamless integration with motion systems

  • Custom labelling robot - an example of integration with mixed motion and robotics architecture for a 4-axis labelling robot

  • Robotic application with no-code programming software

  • Plenty of motion news - fresh product lines, new models, and continuous technology upgrades toward increasingly efficient and safe motionsolutions.

RTA Robotics' workshop: "Developing a custom robot: the R.T.A. Robotics and Altech case."

On Tuesday, May 28 at 3:15 p.m. in the Tech Arena (Hall 7) there will be a Workshop by RTA Robotics on an example of mixed motion and robotics architecture integration for a 4-axis labeling robot.

See you in Parma!
> Register now at the SPS Italia Website with the Friends Card promo code J0MQW8 to get a free parking lot and a coffee at the fair <
